
Description: Executes a quick report and returns the result table.
Parameters: Integer - the report identifier number.
Return Value: Dataset object - the dataset that includes a table with report results.

Example in Visual Basic .Net

        'create an instance of the proxy class
        Dim BTService As New Elementool.BugTrackingWse
        Dim grdReport as New DataGrid
        'Execute web method and bind datagrid to the table in the result dataset.
        dgrReport.DataSource = BTService.ExecuteQuickReport(5).Tables(0)
 Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Example in C#

    //create an instance of the proxy class
    Elementool.BugTrackingWse BTService = new Elementool.BugTrackingWse();
    DataGrid grdReport = new DataGrid();
    //Execute web method and bind datagrid to the table in the result dataset.
    dgrReport.DataSource = BTService.ExecuteQuickReport(5).Tables[0];
catch (Exception ex)