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How Bug Tracking Works
Bugs are a common problem with computers. Bug tracking is the process of finding, tracking and fixing bugs. Every software product owner should be aware of bug tracking and how it works so that they can ensure their program is operating correctly.
A bug is basically a bad piece of programming. Bugs occur for many reasons, the most common being that they are part of a programming error and really just a simple mistake. A bug can bring about a lot of problems. It all depends on the bug as to what exactly it can do. Some bugs will cause software to simply not operate correctly. Other bugs may cause it to look or act differently then it is supposed to.
Basic bug tracking involves discovering bugs and keeping track of them. The process involves identifying the bug and what effects it has. It also involves watching over the bug to ensure it does not cause too much damage or harm to the business.
Bug tracking is important because it will help a software owner to avoid letting bugs take control over the process. When bugs are left alone they can cause a lot of harm. Eventually, the effects of bugs will mean that people do not get what they expect getting from the software.
Most bug tracking is done using software programs. These programs allow the process to be mostly automated. This means that they require only some management and most of the bug tracking can be done by the program without a person having to actually monitor it all the time. Additionally, programs can produce reports to keep a business owner up to date on what is going on with their bug tracking methods.
Bug tracking is something that is very important to a business owner. Out of control software bugs can ruin even the best of business, but by tracking them and keeping on top of them, a owner will help to ensure that they remain under control.